Яндекс.Метрика The Vaccine is Not a Guaranteed Protection Against Covid 19

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The Vaccine is Not a Guaranteed Protection Against Covid 19

 In the past few days, the number of new cases of covid 19 in our city has risen anew. This is despite the aggressive immunization drive by the government. However, the surge of the new REPORTED cases of covid-19 is not isolated in our city.

It seems the number is rising again all over the country. As of the day of writing, there are 37,070 new cases all over the country. Bring the total active cases to 290,938.

Hello dearest readers. Are you vaccinated yet? Are you going to get your jab soon? I received my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine in November 19 2021. I will have my booster shot by February.

 Before you think that I am an anti-vaxer, please read the rest of my story first. might say my title sounds like I am against the covid19 vaccination. I have already mentioned that I am fully vaccinated all ready and waiting for my booster shot.

 What I am trying to debunk here is the attitude of many people who thought they could do about their normal ways because they are already fully vaccinated. They think will no longer catch the virus! That line of thinking is quite dangerous. In fact, I believe that line of thinking is the cause of the rising number of new cases.

Crash Helmet and Other Protective Gears

I would liken the vaccine to a motorbike rider's crash helmet and protective gear. They do protect the rider from fatal injuries, right? However, you may have heard or read in the news that a rider who got tangled in a vehicle accident got injured, even with a helmet.

 Some even died due to fatal injuries even though the rider was wearing a helmet. Why?

Image by Pexels from Pixabay 

The helmet and other protective gears can only protect the rider up to a certain degree. If the rider is careless and rides at more than 100 kilometers per hour, I don't think the helmet and the protective gear is enough to protect him from serious injuries.

 On the other hand, if a rider is careful. Even if he/she is just wearing a helmet, an accident can be fully avoided.

 The Vaccine Can Reduce the Threat

Like the helmet, the vaccine can protect a person only to a certain extent. It's been published before that different vaccines have a varying degree of efficiency. So the vaccinated person may still catch the virus.

 However,  if a vaccinated person would catch the covid19 virus, the effect would be mild. In the latest report of the Department of Health (Philippines), almost 98.4% of the cases are mild or asymptomatic. Meaning they are not in critical condition. That's the effect of the vaccine.

Don't Be a Carrier.

Those who are vaccinated and carelessly going to crowded places or going to parties are like the riders who are reckless and can cause road accidents.

 A fully vaccinated person may still contract the virus. The scary part is, there is a high chance that they will spread the virus to an unvaccinated person. Thus putting the life of the unvaccinated in danger.

Safety First.

 Even if you are fully vaccinated, the best thing to do is to observe the safety protocols.


  • Maintain social distancing
  • Wear a face mask if you are in a crowded environment
  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • Go out only if it is absolutely necessary.
  • Avoid going to crowded places

If you feel even the mildest symptoms, it is best to stay at home and quarantine yourself.


This is not about suppressing a person's freedom. This is about the safety of everyone. If everyone has cooperated in the first two weeks after the break out of the pandemic, that would have denied the virus new hosts to infect. This pandemic could have been resolved in a much shorter time.